E-Museum of Pyrographic Art
Hall of Sculptures

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This hall in the e-museum is dedicated to the pyrographic art medium used in combination with sculpture in the round, relief carving, bas relief, and other special effects on various materials.
Al Chapman* wildlife artist, works in pyrography, often in combination with other media on a wide variety of materials, including wood, paper, leather, gourd, antler, bone, and ivory micarta. (Cross referenced in Portraits and Paintings Hall and Decorative Art Hall.)
Carole Peters wildlife artist, works in pyrography enhanced with relief carving. Her specialty is animal eyes and faces.
Roy Sullivan works in a wide variety of very original pyrography on relief sculptured leather, wood panels, wood objects, in many themes. (Cross referenced in Portraits and Paintings Hall and Decorative Art Hall.)
Marcia Sandmeyer Wilson*, pyroengraves and paints on wood relief carvings and sculptures in the round. She likes her work to "tell a story".
Burnt Offerings Studio, Opie and Linda O'Brien*, highly decorative pyroengraved gourds enhanced with a wide variety of natural materials and worked with color and carving, also wood carving; gourds are vessels, sculptures, and musical instruments as sculptures; wood plaque; many traditional themes and imaginative forms.
Vernon Robinson*, highly decorative, folk art, pyroengraved, carved wood canes and hiking staffs, sometimes enhanced with stone or other inlays. (This artist will be cross-referenced in the Special Hall because of the inlay work, Decorative Art Hall because his pyroengraved sculptures decorate a functional object, and Folk Art Hall because he is self-taught.)
Tayseer Barakat*, works in pyrography and color on found wood rendered as wall hangings as well as sculptures. Artist works with branding, blowtorch and stencils, and pyro pen. Modern interpretation of traditional Palestinian and ancient symbols. This artist's work is cross-referenced in the Portraits and Paintings Hall and the Special Hall.
Pablo Nemzoff, works in pyrography on turned wood rendered as contemporary sculptures. This artist's work is cross-referenced in the Decorative Art Hall.
Paul Chojnowski*, does Contemporary work in pyrography on birch plywood panels as well as on heavy paper. His works, including one large installation, have been shown in many galleries and museums, including three important museum exhibits dedicated to pyro work. (His listing is cross-referenced in the Portraits & Paintings Hall and the Special Hall, the latter because of his unusual techniques).
Peter Drewett*, has done one (his first) portrait in 2004 to honor his mentor; however, his works are mostly on uneven sculptural shapes, particularly the percussion instruments for which he is best known. A work that won him recent acclaim was a gourd sculpture. (Because of his portrait, he is cross-referenced in the Portraits and Paintings Hall; because of his sculptural musical instruments, his work will be cross-referenced in the Sculpture Hall and the Decorative Art Hall; because of his rustic themes, his work is featured in the Folk and Traditional Art Hall, and because of his unusual projects, his listing will be cross-referenced in the Special Hall, as well).
Julia Surba*, has done works mostly on irregular sculptural shapes, using strong and varied texturing, as well as hieroglyphs that resemble ivory inlay. (Because of her sculptural pieces and gourds, her work will be cross-referenced in the Sculpture Hall, and because of her applied art in the clock, the Decorative Art Hall; because of her traditional references to Ancient Kuzhebar, her work is featured in the Folk and Traditional Art Hall).
Deb Fanelli*, does contemporary works mostly on turned wood bowls and carved utensils using bold cuts with an angle grinder that simultaneously creates burnt shadows. (Her work is cross-referenced in the Sculpture Hall, Decorative Art Hall, and Special Hall.)
JoHannes Michelsen*, has invented techniques for superb turned woodhats with pyroburnished ornament. Besides being sculptures, his famous hats are full size and wearable. (His work is cross-referenced in the Sculpture Hall and Special Hall.)
John Noffsinger, exhibits here his works in pyrography and color on turned wood contemporary sculptures. (This artist's work is cross-referenced in the Decorative Art Hall.)
* There is a fully illustrated article (published in the WWWoodcarver Online Magazine) about this artist. The article is linked from the information in this artist's Salon exhibit following the art work.
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all rights reserved, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2009, 2011 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez. Last updated 9 January 2011.
