E-Museum of Pyrographic Art
Portraits and Paintings Hall
to the Paul Chojnowski Salon
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Searching For Religion at Century's End
by Paul Chojnowski, 1995-96
Burned, scorched, and carved birch plywood, 96 in. by 96 in.
Exhibited at the Chattahoochee Valley Art Museum 1996
Image courtesy of the artist
by Paul Chojnowski, 1991-92
Aniline dye on burned and scorched plywood, 12 in. by 12 in.
Exhibited in the first show at Macon & Co. Fine Art, Atlanta, 1992. Private Collection
Image courtesy of the artist
Reluctant Swimmer #2
by Paul Chojnowski
Burned and scorched paper, 22 in. by 22 in.
Exhibited at Macon & Co. Fine Art, Atlanta, 1992. Private Collection
Image courtesy of the artist
Neither one of us knew she would give them to me
by Paul Chojnowski, 1996-97
Mixed media on burned and scorched plywood, 96 in. by 48 in.
Exhibited Macon & Co. Fine Art, Atlanta, 1997
Image courtesy of the artist
River of Blood/Bridge of Hope
by Paul Chojnowski, 1995
Votive candles on burned, scorched, and carved birch plywood
144 in. by 96 in. by 12 in.
Part of a multi-media installation in collaboration with Kevin Haller titled AGIARY (Fire Temple), exhibited at the Albany Museum of Art, Albany GA,
Image courtesy of the artist
City Lights: Broadway Suite II
by Paul Chojnowski, 1999
Burned and scorched paper, 15 in. by 11 in.
Exhibited at Bridgewater Lustberg & Blumenfeld, 1999. Private Collection
Image courtesy of the artist
American artist Paul Chojnowski from Massachusetts has been exhibiting burned and scorched art since 1993.
In spring 2001, works from Paul Chojnowski's "American Nocturne" series were selected for display in the special exhibit entitled Burn: Artists Play With Fire at the Norton Museum in West Palm Beach, Florida. For the summer showing that year, the exhibit traveled to the Columbia Museum of Art in Columbia, South Carolina.
In 2002, more of Paul Chojnowski's works along with works by Andrew Bennett and John Cage were selected for the Hot Art: Burning Images special exhibit at the University of Arizona Museum of Art in Tucson, Arizona.
There is an excellent catalogue available through the Norton Museum of the Burn: Artists Play With Fire exhibit. The artist's own book, entitled Paul Choznowski: Revealed by Fire, is a fine collection of 15 pieces from his nocturne series on paper and is available through the University of Arizona Museum of Art. Both books are soft cover and in color.
Paul Chojnowski's story and more examples of his art work are featured in an on-line article in the July–August 2003 Pyrograffiti.
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© 2003, 2007, 2009 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez, all rights reserved.
Last updated 10 November 2009.
