E-Museum of Pyrographic Art
Sculpture Hall
to the Deb Fanelli Salon
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Concentric Circles
by Deb Fanelli
Pyrosculpture on turned wood bowl and utensils
Image courtesy of the artist
Leaf Utensils in Salad Bowl
by Deb Fanelli
Pyrosculpted leaf utensils in wide-edged turned wood bowl
Image courtesy of the artist
Freestanding Utensils
by Deb Fanelli
Pyroengraved dots done with Dremel drill on sculpted utensils
Image courtesy of the artist
Stack of Bowls, detail
by Deb Fanelli
Pyrosculpture of various patterns on an assortment of turned wood bowls
Image courtesy of the artist
American sculpture artist Deb Fanelli of Manchester Center, Vermont has innovated her own technique for utilizing an angle grinder to produce both a cut and a pyrographic shadow to create decorative sculptural effects on turned wood and sculpted objects.
Demonstrating her technique on her work "Concentric Circles" and displaying more of her works is an illustrated article entitled Hats Off to JoHannes Michelsen and Deb Fanelli—for Originality! published in Pyrograffiti in the September–October 2006 issue of WOM, linked here.
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2006, 2009, 2010 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez, all rights reserved. Last updated 7 February 2010.
