E-Museum of Pyrographic Art
Sculpture Hall
to the Pablo Nemzoff Salon
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by Pablo Nemzoff
Pyroengraving on turned wood vase
Image courtesy of the artist
Tri-legged sculpture
by Pablo Nemzoff
Pyroengraving on turned wood
Image courtesy of the artist
by Pablo Nemzoff
Pyroengraving on turned wood vase
Image courtesy of the artist
Untitled, top view
by Pablo Nemzoff
Pyroengraving on turned wood vase
Image courtesy of the artist
Puzzle Ball, two views
by Pablo Nemzoff
Pyroengraving on round turned wood vase
Inspired by works of Art Liestman
Image courtesy of the artist
Puzzle Vase, two views
by Pablo Nemzoff
Pyroengraving on tall turned wood vase
Inspired by works of Art Liestman
Image courtesy of the artist
Vase, view one
by Pablo Nemzoff, 2003
Pyroengraving and watercolor on turned wood vase
Image courtesy of the artist
Vase, view two
by Pablo Nemzoff, 2003
Pyroengraving and color on turned wood vase
Image courtesy of the artist
Vase, no. 30
by Pablo Nemzoff, 2008
Pyroengraving and color on turned wood vase
Image courtesy of the artist
Vase, no. 59
by Pablo Nemzoff, 2009
Pyroengraving on turned wood vase
Image courtesy of the artist
Box no. 63
by Pablo Nemzoff, 2009
Pyroengraving on turned wood box with lid
Image courtesy of the artist
Vase no. 66
by Pablo Nemzoff, 2009
Pyroengraving on turned wood vase
Image courtesy of the artist
Argentinian born contemporary sculptor Dr. Pablo Nemzoff from Haifa, Israel added pyrography to his sculptural woodturning works with striking results like the ones above.
A collection of Pablo Nemzoff's art work is on his Picasa photo album web site showing his many sculpturally beautiful woodturnings in great variety, most of which include pyrography. Update 2010: A sampling of Pablo's new works have been added to his exhibit above, including no. 66, which was selected as one of the Top 60 Instant Gallery works currently exhibited in the U.K. through the Association of Woodturners of Great Britain.
A pyrographic woodturned egg by Pablo is on the site of the Daniel collection at this (direct) link.
A specialty technique of Pablo's is featured in a book entitled Woodturning Full Circle by David Springett that is previewed at the link here.
He is a founding member of the Israel Association of Woodturners (IWA) a small group formed in 2001 whose members meet in rotating locations because they live all over Israel.
A Pablo Nemzoff tutorial on the IWA's own web site is for an extra-thin-walled footed bowl (step-by-step illustrations with text in Hebrew). It is featured on and linked from the Woodturning Online group site where Pablo's process is explained in English.
Another update for 2010 is that Pablo Nemzoff is retiring at the end of February from his profession of dentist and is looking forward to dedicating more of his time to creating his pyrographic woodturnings.
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2003, 2009, 2010 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez, all rights reserved.
Last updated 10 February 2010.
