E-Museum of Pyrographic Art
The Book Store and Library
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Larger Works with Pyrography
Book Exhibit

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Exhibited here are books on art—not solely on pyrography, but which contain some pyrography.
Edward H. & Eva R. Pinto
Published in London by G. Bell & Sons, © 1970, 149 pages.
Available in hardcover with dustjacket, ISBN 0713517727,
Part Four (the last section) is entitled Nineteenth-Century Pyrography, pp. 131–136 and immediately preceding that section's title page are eleven black+white plates (nos. 53–63), together illustrating about half of the internationally famous Pinto Collection today, as follows:
Plate 53: "A very fine pyrographic panel, one of a pair, of a Russian market scene by Comte de Rottermund. The burnt lines are as fine as in an engraving."
Plate 54: "Asiatic battle scene, one of a pair, by Comte de Rottermund. Unlike most pyrographers, he used figured wood. In these panels, he shows his potentialities for sky effects."
Plate 55: "Ralph Marshall was a most versatile pyrographer. This is his self-portrait, executed by pyrography in 1855.."
Plate 56: "For biblical scenes, Marshall developed a mystical misty light and shade technique, shown here in 'St. Paul Preaching Athens', dated 1856."
Plate 57: "Marshall's version of the 'Blinding of Elymas'. Note the range of expressions portrayed and the mastery of line."
Plate 58: "Marshall was very clever at obtaining candle and lantern light effects, rather in the style of Wright of Derby. This panel, dated 1854, is actually from a painting by Henry Morland."
Plate 59: "Another panel by Marshall, dated 1854; a lantern light effect, also copied from a Henry Morland painting."
Plate 60: "Joseph Smith seems to have specialized in pyrographic versions of well-known portraits. This is his copy of Hoppner's painting of the second Earl of Camden in Garter Robes. Date 1810."
Plate 61: "Panel of a girl praying, by the pyrographer signing himself E. H. G. His high lighting by the blow-lamp and gouge method and economy of lines were striking."
Plate 62: "The fox surveys the dead rabbit in the spring-trap. another work by E. H. G."
Plate 63: "'Waiting for the Plough' by I. W. Wells. Nov. 1, 1866."
Norwegian Folk Art The Migration of a Tradition Marion Nelson, Editor © 1995, full color, 276 pages including appendices, bibliography.
A large work rich with illustrations throughout on painting, rosemahling on elaborate furniture and traditional household objects, textiles, traditional dress, wood sculpture, wood inlay, relief carving on wood and horn, chip carving, and one section dedicated to Svidekor: the Norwegian word for woodburned decoration. This book focuses on Norwegian folk art and traditions and traces their migration from Norway to the New World.
Available in hardcover ISBN 0-7892-0194-1, or softcover ISBN 0-7892-0194-1, Abbeville Press Abbeville Publishing Group 488 Madison Avenue,
New York, NY 10022, USA
For more information on svidekor and Norwegian folk art in general, visit the Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum linked here, and located at 502 W. Water Street in Decorah, Iowa, U.S.A. This museum has a substantial collection of traditional pyrography. Update September 2011: Found on the Vesterheim web site is a notice that they are planning on putting a sample display of some of their large collections on their web site in the coming year.
The Art and Craft of Appliqué by Juliet Bawden, © 1991 by Mitchell Beazley Publishers, hard cover, full color, 144 pages including index and directory of artists and suppliers
Appliqué is a luxurious display of textile art employing appliqué in myriad ways. In a section entitled Mixed Media, on page 54, the artist Jane McArthur has combined pyrography with appliqué.
ISBN 0-8021-1453-5 Grove Weidenfeld A division of Grove Press, Inc, 841 Broadway,
New York, NY 10003-4793, USA
Howard Finster Man of Visions The Life and Work of a Self-Taught Artist by J. F. Turner, © 1989, hard cover, mostly color, 243 pages including notes, biographical summary, selected bibliography, and a record of the artist's exhibitions.
Howard Finster Man of Visions The Life and Work of a Self-Taught Artist by J. F. Turner Back cover of book showing wood sculpture with pyrography.
A substantial work on the life, philosophy, and works of the Rev. Howard Finster of Georgia, this book is richly illustrated with pictures of the folk artist and his fantastical work, much of which contains pyrography. The pyrographic aspect is not discussed at all in the book, only listed as one of the media in the captions of many of the artist's multimedia works, which include many fine examples of pyrography.
ISBN 0-394-57961-5 Published in the USA by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random House of Canada Ltd., Toronto Distributed by Random House, Inc., New York, U.S.A.
For more information on the Rev. Howard Finster, see a sample of his work in the Traditional and Folk Art Hall here in the Rev. Howard Finster exhibit. In addition, there is an illustrated article by Kathleen Menéndez on this folk artist's work in the WWWoodc@rvers E-zine entitled Pyrography: Folk Art.
A subsequent article in the November–December 2001 issue of Pyrograffiti for the Woodcarvers Online Magazine entitled In
Memoriam: Rev. Howard Finster, 1916–2001 features additional biographical information and an important example of pyrographic work by this artist.
The late artist's family has established The Official Howard Finster Website to sell his work, souvenirs, and other folk art by Finster family members. This link will take you directly to the art work.
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Please e-mail the E-Museum Curator with comments or questions. In addition, if you know of any books that have been omitted, please do not hesitate to advise the curator. It is the E-Museum's goal to exhibit as complete a collection as possible.
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© 1997, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez, all rights reserved.
Updated 20 May 2010. Last updated 9 September 2011.
