E-Museum of Pyrographic Art
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Books on Pyrography

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Note that those book titles that are linked will take you to a website featuring the respective books, and linked authors' names are those with an e-mail to the respective authors, unless otherwise indicated.
 | The Amazing Art of Pyrography by Robert Boyer, © 1993, hard cover, full-color, 422 pages.
The Amazing Art of Pyrography, by Robert Boyer is a large book and a very comprehensive work that attempts to expose the reader to pyrography of every kind. It includes generous portions of "how to" information as well.
Contact the publisher, BEMI Publishing, through Leisure Time Crafts, 2650 Davisson St., River Grove, IL 60171, USA.
Burning and Texturing Methods by William Veasey, © 1984, soft cover, black and white, 62 pages
This is an instructional book primarily for beginning carvers. Its purpose is to demonstrate methods for detailing bird carvings.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd. 1469 Morstein Road,
West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380, USA
A source for this book is Dwight Moore at Mountain Heritage Crafters.
Wood Burning: 20 Great-Looking Projects to Decorate in a Weekend by Betty Auth
soft cover, 80 pages, color throughout, (November 1999), List Price: $14.95, Lark Books; ISBN: 1579901352; 8.5 in. by 11 in. approx. © Betty Auth, 2001
A source for this book is Amazon Books.
The Art of Woodburning: 30 Useful & Decorative Projects by Betty Auth
hard cover, © Betty Auth, 2001
A source for this book is Amazon Books. ISBN: 0806927550
Learning the Art of Pyrography by Al Chapman, © 1995, soft cover, full color, 63 pages
Learning the Art of Pyrography by Al Chapman is an instructional book designed for beginning and intermediate pyrographers. It covers burning images on wood, paper, and leather.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 77 Lower Valley Road, Atglen, Pennsylvania 19310, USA.
 | The Complete Pyrography by Stephen Poole, © 1995, soft cover, full color, 151 pages.
Cover photograph by Zul Mukhida
An instructional book, it gives a little history, is useful to beginning and intermediate pyrographers, and gives advice about selling pyrographed art work.
Guild of Master Craftsman Publications Ltd., 166 High Street, Lewes, East Sussex BN71XU, UK.
A source for this book is Jim Widess at The Caning Shop, 926 Gilman St., Berkeley, CA 94710, USA
Also available is a condensed version of Stephen Poole's original book entitled Pyrography Handbook.
A source for this book is Jim Widess at The Caning Shop, 926 Gilman St., Berkeley, CA 94710, USA
Wood Burning with Sue Waters: Rural Scenes
soft cover, 64 pages, © Sue Waters, 1984
Text written with and photography by Joanne Tobey
Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 77 Lower Valley Road, Atglen, Pennsylvania 19310, USA.
A source for this book is Dwight Moore at Mountain Heritage Crafters.
The Complete Book of Gourd Craft by Ginger Summit and Jim Widess, © 1996, hard cover, full color, 144 pages.
The Complete Book of Gourd Craft, by Ginger Summit and Jim Widess, is a comprehensive guide to the decoration of gourds as objets d'art. It includes many examples of pyrography on gourds, including one whole chapter dedicated to pyrography and carving. It is a richly illustrated art book and an instructional book at the same time.
Published by Lark Books, 50 College Street, Asheville, North Carolina, 28801, USA.
Contact Jim Widess at The Caning Shop,
926 Gilman St., Berkeley, CA 94710, USA
Making Gourd Musical Instruments by Ginger Summit and Jim Widess, © 1999, hard cover, full color, 144 pages.
Making Gourd Musical Instruments, by Ginger Summit and Jim Widess, An exciting full-color publication will display, among others, work from Burnt Offerings Studio and even include their audio music samples in an accompanying compact disk. It is a richly illustrated art book and an instructional book at the same time.
Published by Lark Books, 50 College Street, Asheville, North Carolina, 28801, USA.
Contact Jim Widess at The Caning Shop,
926 Gilman St., Berkeley, CA 94710, USA
Gourd Pyrography by Jim Widess, © 2002, hard cover, full color, 144 pages, ISBN 0-8069-5884-7.
Gourd Pyrography, by Jim Widess, An exciting publication displays works by 55 artists in 444 color photographs of gourds including step-by-step photographic instructions, showing three different pyrographic tools. In addition, it has an introductory chapter showing gourd pyrography and techniques in other countries--several in West Africa plus Peru, New Guinea, and China. Included is an appendix with 74 color photographs of individual pyrographic tool tips. It is a richly illustrated art book and an instructional book at the same time.
Published by Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., 387 Park Ave., S., New York, NY, 10016, USA; also distributed in Canada and Australia.
Contact Jim Widess at The Caning Shop,
926 Gilman St., Berkeley, CA 94710, USA
Pyrography: the art of woodburning, by Bernard Havez and Jean-Claude Varlet, © 1977 by Evans Bros. Ltd., hard cover, some color, 127 pages.
This is a small book with a wealth of information. It provides a lot of background on ethnic pyrographic art from many places, shows varied examples of work by different modern artists, and provides focus for those artists wishing to try their hand at this medium. It discusses the use of color with pyrography, and shows pyrography on many surfaces, including wood, gourds, cork, velvet, horn, and bamboo.
This book was originally written in French and published in France under the title
La Pyrogravure, by Dessain et Tolra, © 1975 by Dessain et Tolra.
It was soon afterwards translated into English by Pat Craddock and published in 1978 by Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. of New York. This book is out-of-print, but look for it in the libraries of wood carving groups, used book stores, and public libraries.
*Curator's note: It is believed the authors were connected to the Musee de l'Homme in Paris, which is often cited as a source for items shown in the book. Any contact for the authors or the museum would be greatly appreciated, as would any source where this book can be purchased.
The Essential Gourd: Art and History in Northeastern Nigeria by Maria Berns and Barbara Hudson,190 pages.
This book features pyroengraving as well as other media used to decorate gourds. It also shows artists at work.
For more information on The Essential Gourd: Art and History in Northeastern Nigeria, contact Jim Widess at The Caning Shop,
926 Gilman St., Berkeley, CA 94710, USA
The Burning Passion by Carole and Richard Smyth, © 1995, soft cover, full color, 163 pages.
The Burning Passion, by Carole and Richard Smyth, is an informative book aimed especially at collectors of American turn-of-the-century pyrography. It includes a helpful price guide to aid beginning collectors in their quest of what the authors term, "the last great American antique collectible."
This out-of-print book is still available through the authors themselves. Send a check or money order for US$19.95 plus $3.00 shipping to Carole Smyth Antiques, P.O. Box 2068, Huntington, NY 11743, USA. (New York residents: Add 8.5 percent sales tax.)
Published by L-W Book Sales, P.O. Box 69, Gas City, IN 46933.
Collector's Guide to Burnt Wood Antiques by Frank L. Hahn, © 1994, soft cover, some color, 112 pages, ISBN 0-926110-05-5.
Collector's Guide to Burnt Wood Antiques, by Frank L. Hahn, is an informative book aimed especially at collectors of American turn-of-the-century pyrography. It includes many pages with drawings of examples from various American distributors' catalogues.
This out-of-print book can still be found through dealers in used and out-of-print books as well as through on-line auctions such as eBay (search words pyrography or burnt wood).
Published by Golden Era Publications, P.O. Box 934, Lima, Ohio 45802, USA.
Australian Poker Work, A Guide, by Helena Walsh, © 1992, hard cover, full color, 56 pages.
A fully illustrated reference book on turn-of-the-century Australian pyrography.
First published in 1992 by Kangaroo Press Pty Ltd, 3 Whitehall Road (PO. Box 75) Kenthurst 2156.
(A source for this book in the United States is Jim Widess at The Caning Shop.)
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Please e-mail the E-Museum Curator with comments or questions. In addition, if you know of any books that have been omitted, please do not hesitate to advise the curator. It is the E-Museum's goal to exhibit as complete a collection as possible.
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© 1998, 2001, 2003, 2009 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez, all rights reserved. Last updated 29 November 2009.
