E-Museum of Pyrographic Art
Decorative Art Hall
to the Stuart King Salon
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Wedding Church
by Stuart King
Pyroengraving on pierced turned wood goblet
Image courtesy of the artist
by Stuart King
Subtle pyroengraving on turned pierced wood sculpture
Image courtesy of the artist
Landscape on Pedestal Bowl
by Stuart King
Pyroengraving and color on pierced turned wood bowl with pedestal
Image courtesy of the artist
Stuart King, from High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, U.K., combines pyrography, color, and piercing on his beautifully turned wood pieces.
His excellent website Stuart King: Artist Craftsman in Wood, offers the visitor a sampling of his many talents as artisan, artist, demonstrator, photo-journalist, and lecturer.
He has traveled extensively, collecting and researching the rural past. A second salon, exhibiting pieces of folk art from his private collection, is also here in the Decorative Arts Hall of the E-Museum (and cross-referenced in the Traditional and Folk Art Hall).
Stuart King was featured in Pyrograffiti, in the September–October 2000 issue of the Woodcarver On-Line Magazine.
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© 2000, 2007, 2009, 2010 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez, all rights reserved.
Last updated 7 February 2010.
