E-Museum of Pyrographic Art
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Published in the Woodcarvers Online Magazine (WOM) since the 1st of January, 1997,
are more than fifty articles on contemporary and antique pyrographic art works in a great variety
of styles and techniques.
The earliest articles were done as single topics, such as Pyrography as Fine Art, Decorative Art,
Folk Art, Decorating Musical Instruments. Later articles were mostly comprised of segments, each
on a different artist, topic, or technique.
Wherever there was a corresponding E-Museum Salon created to complement the Pyrograffiti
article or segment, mutual links were created. Note that currently, the links FROM the articles TO the
E-Museum Salons are obsolete because of the closing of the Yahoo Geocities sites where the original
E-Museum was located. The E-Museum hopes to correct all of those links over time, but it will be a long
process, so please be patient. Meanwhile, you can either substitute the word "geocities"
with the word "reocities" in any link that you like in order to see an archived version, or, alternatively,
you can go to the E-Museum's new address by substituting http://pyromuse.org/ for the entire OLD geocities address up to the final forward slash that is followed by the specific file name.
To find a specific artist or topic here in the index for the Pyrograffiti articles, simply
key COMMAND F and do a name or word search.
We hope you will enjoy viewing this wide array of wonderful artists and their works that have been featured
in Pyrograffiti since 1997. The list is arranged in reverse chronological order.
Pyrograffiti 44 (November–December 2008):
- Debra Meister and The Cornish Litany
- Don Worden At Folk Art Fairs
- Rose Sié: Her Son Remembers
- Sophia Albu Ionita: Posthumous Exhibition
- Marshall Stokes: Two New Exhibitions
- PLUNA: Water Exhibition
- Etsuko Ichikawa: Two Miami Exhibitions
- Dino Muradian: Working in Still Life
Pyrograffiti 41 (May–June 2007):
- Blair Brown: Nova Scotia and Beyond
- Peter Drewett: New Directions
- Julia Surba: From Siberia to Berlin
- Cheryl Dow's Woodburning Celebration
Pyrograffiti 38 (July–August 2006):
- Selahattin Olceroglu: 19th C. Orientalist Works
- Jim Ward—Woodcarving to Pyrography
- Cheryl Dow—a Pair of "How To" DVD Videos
- Susan Millis Pursues a Unique Degree
Pyrograffiti 37 (January–February 2006):
- Krasimir Hristov: Old Masters Works
- Angelce Miskov: Albrecht Dürer Works
- Aleksis Ponze Gallegos: Themes of Peru
- Grigoriy Tischenko Overcomes Challenges
- Kids Corner: 8-year-old Nina Govaerts
- Anikó Hazafi: Works in Fire and Light
- Michael Janson: In the Palace of Culture
- Sonny Cain: A Tattoo Artist Tries Pyrography
Pyrograffiti 36 (November–December 2005):
- Djibril N'Doye Makes History
- Adriano Colangelo Exhibits at Chakras
- Abby Levine: Analyzing Freud
- Manu Pagola's "Magic Eye" Pyrography
- Sue Walters: "Pyrography Workbook"
- Chuck Cordero's Peruvian Gourd
- Salvatore Polistena's Studio Exhibit
- Peni Powell: "Gibson Girl" on Velvet
- Maricha Oxley Exhibits in Sydney
- Haroldo Ayres Announces New On-Line Group
- Update on Cate McCauley
- Kathy Jones: Uncommon Wedding Ceremonies
- 1862 Ball Hughes Panel of Gen. McClellan
Pyrograffiti 34 (May–June 2005):
- Julia Surba: New Works from Ancient Kuzhebar
- PFC Camilo Gonzalez: Wartime Folk Art
- Nancy Boitos: Large Rustic Furniture Projects
- DeAnn Cote of DRC Designs: Hello, Hitty!
- Faux Pyrography
- Who Did "The Last Stagecoach"?
Pyrograffiti 31 (November–December 2004):
- Brian Warburton: Drawing with Fire
- Sue Burne: A Life Filled with Art
- "carbón's" PyroSculpture on Leather
- Abby Levine's Latest Project
- From St. Petersburg: Update on Michael Janson
- Celtic Harps of Old—and New!
Pyrograffiti 30 (September–October 2004):
- Susan M. Millis: Artist and Conservator
- The Pinto Collection: Important 19th C.
- 19th C. Artist Ralph Marshall
- Robert Ball Hughes (1804–1868)
- Susan Millis Studies a Ball Hughes Work
- Other Ball Hughes Works Emerge
- Maria Luisa Grimani: A Tree's Tale
- Review of New Book by Daniel Wright
- Adriano Colangelo Lectures on Life and Art
- Tim Rahman's "The Witches Secret"
Pyrograffiti 29 (May–June 2004):
- Introducing Dragos Ciutacu
- Vladislav Kostenko: Fine Knives
- François Peeters: Pyrography in Bas Relief
- Antique Plaque of a Young Lady Graduating
- A. Mihoub: Looking Back and Going Forward
- Michael Janson: Variations on a Theme
- Abby Levine: Delving into Politics
- Adriano Colangelo: Applied Art
- Dino Muradian: Music Fest in Germany
- Paul Chojnowski: Solo Show in New York City
Pyrograffiti 28 (March–April 2004):
- Leah Comerford: Thru Rose-Colored Glasses
- Jan Farrar: Pooch Portraits
- Bob Boyer: New Internet Free Art School
- Jim Widess: New Gadgets for Gourds
- David Wickenden's 9/11 Proposal
- Peter Drewett: Homage to Joan Kerr
- Sharon H. Garvey: Calligraphy for a Crucifix
Pyrograffiti 26 (November–December 2003):
- Djibril N'Doye: Traditions of Senegal
- Dominic Angarano: Native American Traditions
- Ilanna Mandel: A Passion for Peace and Art
- Antique Folk Art of Russia and Austria
Pyrograffiti 25 (September–October 2003)
(Series: Couples Working as a Team):
- Adri and Cassie Pretorius
- Peni Powell: Flemish Art Collection
- Stefano Bonfatti: Photorealism
- Pierre Dore: Decorative Interpretations
- Lestat de Lioncourt: Erotic Fantasy
- Michael Janson: Listed in Russian Artindex
- Houba: New Works for New Exhibits in 2003
- Dino: Featured in Interior Design Magazine
- Alejandro Veneziani and Gabriela Lezcano
Pyrograffiti 23 (May–June 2003):
- Katherine Boland: Her New Exhibit 'On Fire'
- Jordan Tierney: Museum of Women in the Arts
- Ivan Govaerts: Figurative and Ornamental Art
- Kenneth E. Wooten: Folk Style Decorative Art
Pyrograffiti 22 (March–April 2003):
- Irene Corgiat and the Shroud of Turin
- Michael Janson: Pyro and Computer Graphics
- Jim Hicks: Portraits in Pyrography and Chalk
- Michael Mabbott: Solar Pyroengraving
- Home is Where the Heart is....
Pyrograffiti 21 (January–February 2003):
- Maria Luisa Grimani: Collages
- Songda
- John-Henry Marshall's New Show "On Wood"
- Rich Chin: His Father Remembered
- Romantic Pieces from the Past
Pyrograffiti 20 (November–December 2002):
- Salvatore Polistena's Nostalgic Imagery
- Gabriela Lezcano and Alejandro Veneziani
- Wonderland Puzzle
- José Pelegrina
- Abby Levine: Big Bend Area of Texas
- George Anderson's Art Education Project
- Abdulwahab Mihoub Exhibits in Algeria
- David Wickenden: Portrait of Prime Minister
- Tayseer Barakat's Ziryab Café
- Sue Walters On The Go!
- Adoration of the Shepherds by Dino Muradian
Pyrograffiti 19 (September–October 2002):
- Dino Muradian: A Project Unfolding
- Dino Muradian: Varied Themes
- Book Review: Book by Norma Gregory
- Sue Walters' Newsletter—Smokin'!
- From Spain: FFerdezO
- Tom Schulz: Update from Alaska
- Remembering September 11th: Nedra Denison
Pyrograffiti 18 (July–August 2002)
(Pyro Kaleidoscope):
- Adriano Colangelo: Fantasy Themes
- José Pelegrina: Indigenous Peoples
- Diogenes Giorlandino: Pyrography on Gourds
- Vadim Grozavu: Photorealism
- "Gourd Pyrography" Book by Jim Widess
- Another Ball Hughes Pyrograph?
- Mark Hale: From His Workshop
Pyrograffiti 13 (September–October 2001)
(Far and Near):
- Tayseer Barakat: Interview on the West Bank
- Dan Allnutt, Western Themes
- Fran Rehn
- Book How to Burn Wildlife by O.W. Davis
- Christian Maraschin, Decorative Artist
- Pyrographic Tagua Nuts by Various Artists
- Update on Maricha Oxley's Corroboree
Pyrograffiti 7 (July–August 2000)
(Variety is the Spice of Pyrography, Too):
- Manu Pagola: Images of the Basque Country
- Benelli: Neo-expressionist
- Vernon Robinson: Inlay on Walking Sticks
- Thomas Benally: Turquoise Inlay
- Craig "Durf" Durfee: solar performing art
- More on Sid Huttner's Lucile Project
- Mystery Corner: an 1859 Piece by Ball Hughes
- Book Reviews: Two Books by Cheryl Dow
- And One Book by Betty Auth
- Antique Pyrography Piece with Inlaid Gems
Pyrograffiti 6 (May–June 2000)
(Special Issue: Pyrography—A Healing Art):
- Renee Mariah Taylor
- Frederick J. Barnett
- Russ Garner
- Brendt Travis
- Art and Occupational Therapy
- More Notes on Research and Testimonials
- Richard Withers' Visit to Washington, D.C.
- New L. S. Irish On-Line Woodburning Tutorial
- Harp Corrigan's On-Line Celtic Harp Project
- One More Story from Vernon Robinson
Pyrograffiti 5 (March–April 2000):
- International PyroBank
- Sue Walters
- Sid Huttner's Lucile Project
- Harp Corrigan's On-Line Celtic Harp Project
- The Pyramid Box Mystery
- Bob Boyer's Pyrography Museum (Real World)
- Kids Corner: On-Line Project
Pyrograffiti 4 (January–February 2000):
- E-Museum Acquires a Picasso!
- Jennifer Ferraro: Sacred Faces
- Richard Withers' Notes on Antique Pyrography
- Decorative Art Gourds by Carol St. Pierre
- Harp Corrigan Announces His On-Line Project
- Kids Corner: A Budding Talent
- Special: Bark, Bears' Bread, Burl, and Conk!
- Lynda Eaves
- Bob Ferris
- New IAPA Initiative to Post Shows and Courses
- End-of-Year-Century-Millennium Notes |
Pyrograffiti 3 (November–December 1999):
- Dawn Wasson
- Xia Fu Yong's Abstracts
- Jeff Valure's Ferret Dulcimer
- Mystery Corner: Origin of Old Tray
- Linda Hatfield's Pyro Cartoons
- New IAPA Member's Goals: Barbara Cramer
Pyrograffiti 2 (September–October 1999):
- Keith Seitz
- Jianting Li
- Benjamín Cañas
- Pyrography on Paper: More from Mixo
- Mystery Corner: Antique Sofa and Chairs
- Constança of Portugal
- Peni Powell's New Website
- Dan Smith's Antique Firescreen
- Special Artists: Ramón Pinto, blowtorch
- and Bud Hnetka, solar
- South African Pyros—Kobus van Zyl
Pyrograffiti 1 (May–June 1999):
- Ken Li
- Lucy McCord
- Pyrography on Paper: Mixo Sydenham
- Van Gogh Mystery
- Antonio Vargas
- Rita Ferrara
- Klaus Szenzcer
- Andrew Talley
- Rodger Letkeman
- Harp Corrigan
- Antique Table Tennis set
- Dino Muradian's Latest—The Last Supper
- Special: Marie Heerkens Mushroom Pyrography
- China
Antique Pyrography (January–February 1998):
- A Look into the Past of the Art of "Pyr"
- The Advent of the Ladies Magazines
- The Victorian Pyrographic Kit!
- The Factories
- Collecting Pyrography
- Conclusion
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© 2010, 2011 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez, all rights reserved. 30 April 2010. Updated 25 June 2010. Updated 13 April 2011. Last updated 29 August 2015.
