E-Museum of Pyrographic Art
Antique Pyrography Hall
to the Poker Work Salon Early 20th Century Pyrographic Art
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Pyroengraved wood plaque Greece, circa 1910 Traditional motif relating to shepherds on
the land of historical significance in Greece
From the private collection of Jan Crawford Australia Photograph by K. J. Mixo Sydenham
Table Tennis Set American, circa 1920
Set was purchased (for $2.90) by the owner's late uncle at Macys "probably in the 20's"
The individual racquets are each distinct in rendering and obviously hand done, not factory stamped. The other pieces including the box are all decorated in the same motif. The set is unsigned and bears no date inscription.
From the private collection of Suzanne Luftig Digital image courtesy of the owner
Victorian occasional table, circa 1920 inspired by similar tables from the Maghreb
Probably manufactured in one of the American art factories of the time May have been factory scorched (rather than hand done pyrography) and then hand painted.
Probably painted in the studio of
Fred Stewart Greene, either by him
or his mother, Harriet M. Greene
From the house and estate of Fred Stewart Greene
Now the North Stonington Historical Society
N. Stonington, Connecticut
Photograph by Sharon H. Garvey
The nesting doll shown is typical of that time and a precursor to the later brightly colored nesting dolls from that area of Russia and from Semionovo that were painted rather than woodburned.
Today there are some dolls that are both woodburned and painted, but these are less common. See an example of these rarer dolls in the Traditional Hall here in the E-Museum in the International Salon.
The picture above is thanks to Michle Terletsky
Pair of pyroengraved wood hangers, enhanced with color details Australia, circa 1910
Private collection of K. J. Mixo Sydenham, Australia
Photograph by K. J. Mixo Sydenham
Pair of pyroengraved wood bookends Australia, circa 1910
Photograph by K. J. Mixo Sydenham
Tiny wood box (ring box) from Antigua, Guatemala, circa 1915
Photograph by Sharon Garvey
Private collection of Kathleen Menéndez
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For more about antique pyrography art work and tools, there is a fully illustrated article entitled Antique Pyrography (published in the Woodcarvers Online Magazine, linked here) as well as an exhibit of Antique Pyrography Tools in the Pyrography Tools Exhibit Hall 'upstairs' in this E-Museum.
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© 1997, 1998, 1999, 2009 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez, all rights reserved. Last updated 31 October 2009.
