E-Museum of Pyrographic Art
Antique Art Hall
to the J. William Fosdick Salon
of his 1896 wood triptych of
"The Glorification of St. Joan of Arc"
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The Glorification of St. Joan of Arc
by J. William Fosdick, 1896
Pyrography and gilded details on three basswood panels,
approximately 9 feet tall by 13 feet wide
Adapted from photographs by Sharon H. Garvey, © 2010
The E-Museum of Pyrographic Art is pleased to offer these exclusive photographs by Sharon H. Garvey that were taken especially to allow the E-Museum's viewers to appreciate in depth J. William Fosdick's bold and innovative technique used for his masterpiece of The Glorification of St. Joan of Arc.
In his Treatise article, Fosdick described in detail how he adapted his technique for this very large triptych, as follows:
"In etching the Joan of Arc decoration,...the writer was obliged to have specially large tools made. He also used an exhaust fan and tube leading down to the actual burning point on account of the large amount of smoke produced by such vigorous burning. In place of the ordinary hand-bulb a compressed air-tank with an automatic regulator was used, which gave the craftsman the free use of both hands."
The innovator of fire etching did this grandiose triptych in 1896 showing the maid of Orléans being taken up to heaven—an iconic image that was ahead of its time, since Joan of Arc, although thought of as a saint already back in Fosdick's time and well before, was not actually officially canonized by the Catholic Church until 1920.
One biography of St. Joan of Arc can be found at this link to the Catholic Encyclopedia. Wikipedia offers a well documented biography of St. Joan of Arc, as well.
If you have either any questions to ask or any additional information to offer on this triptych of the panels by J. William Fosdick, please e-mail the E-Museum Curator.
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© 2010 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez, all rights reserved. 16 April 2010.
