E-Museum of Pyrographic Art
Antique Art Hall
to the Salon of William Fuller Curtis (1873–1938)
Boston Exhibition of February 1907
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American artist William Fuller Curtis (1873–1938) from Washington, D.C., studied art at the Académie Julian in Paris. He enjoyed a very successful professional career as a pyrographic, mixed-media artist, and as an illustrator.
Curtis's important work Royalty was illustrated in the March 1907 article by Eva Lovett—one of only eight illustrations—in a publication of the Boston Arts and Crafts Society commenting on that exhibition, which took place from February 5–26 that year.
That exhibition was the tenth annual one, which had grown, it was noted, from about 20 participants at its inception to nearly 600 by 1907.
William Fuller Curtis's work was singled out for comment by the author on p. 29 (xxix), as follows: "A beautiful and elaborate piece of wood carving and painting was entitled Royalty, and showed a peacock in all the glory of his plumage, the bird being carved, painted with lustre paints and finished with burnt outlines. This piece was intended for a panel, and was by William Fuller Curtis, of Washington."
If you have either any questions to ask or any information to offer regarding this article, these works, or any pyrography works by William Fuller Curtis, please e-mail the E-Museum Curator.
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© 2009 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez, all rights reserved. Last updated 1 November 2009.
