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Sharon H. Garvey and Her Sign for the Edward B. Garvey Memorial Shelter
by Sharon H. Garvey, 2015
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia
Pyroengraved calligraphy and ornament,
Background solar-burned in deep texture by means of a magnifying glass.
Digital image by Frank Turk, 2015
American pyrographic artist Sharon H. Garvey resides in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. The story of her making of the sign displayed here goes back to the year 2001, when Frank Turk, leading his team of Appalachian Trail volunteers, planned and constructed the impressive log shelter memorial to the late Edward B. Garvey (1914–1999), who had devoted decades to the preservation of the Appalachian Trail.
Fourteen-Year-Old Sign Removed from Shelter in 2015 for the Purpose of Restoration
Fourteen-Year-Old Sign Beginning the Process of Restoration in 2015
Pyroengraved Line Work on Sign Is Complete and Solar-Burned Background Is Underway
Signature Details on Both Lower Corners
Frank Turk Mounting the Sign (for the Second Time) on the Edward B. Garvey Memorial Shelter, Located at Weverton Cliffs along the Appalachian Trail
Sharon H. Garvey and Her Sign for the Edward B. Garvey Memorial Shelter
by Sharon H. Garvey, 2015
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia
Pyroengraved calligraphy and ornament,
Background solar-burned in deep texture by means of a magnifying glass.
Additional Articles About The Edward B. Garvey Memorial Shelter
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Pyrographic Art Exhibit Halls:
Your questions and comments are welcome and appreciated. Please e-mail the E-Museum Curator
2015 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez, all rights reserved. 25–30 June 2015.
