E-Museum of Pyrographic Art
Antique Hall of Pyrographic Art
to the Salon of Flemish Art From the Private Collection of Peni Powell
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Poker work with color on wood plate
Digital Image Thanks to Peni Powell
Pyrographic Outfit
Pyrographic tool, early 20th Century,
Displayed with its instructions and accoutrements
Stored in its own wood box
Also shown are some small plaques
Burned by the original owner
Plus a wood box in pristine condition
Factory stamped with a design of roses
Then partially burned in with this tool by its original owner
Digital Image Thanks to Peni Powell
Roses Box
Close up view of same box shown above
Factory stamped with a design of roses
Then partially burned in with this tool by its original owner
Digital image thanks to Peni Powell
Queen Wilhelmina
Pyroengraved wood plate with red color applied to tulips
Thayer and Chandler design
Digital image thanks to Peni Powell
Gibson Girl Print on Plush Cushion Cover
Ready to pyrograph Offered Free with Purchase of Pyrographic Set
Digital image courtesy Peni Powell
Pyrography on velvet, plush, silk, and other materials is not so common or well known as pyrography on wood, gourds, and leather. Nevertheless, it is obviously not a new idea.
Bejeweled Maiden
Poker art on wood plaque
An additional technique for enhancing pyrographic works in the early 20th Century was to inlay them with glass gems. The punch tool set (partially visible in lower right corner) and gems for this purpose were another offering of the Flemish Art Co.
See the punch set in the Antique Pyrographic Tools Exhibit upstairs in the E-Museum.
Digital image courtesy Peni Powell
Indian Chief Paddling Canoe
Poker art on wood cutout hanging
Digital image courtesy Peni Powell
Poker art decorating wood chair
Digital image courtesy Peni Powell
Elaborate poker art ("pyromania") decorating wood plate
Digital image courtesy Peni Powell
Frame for a portrait
Poker art decorating wood frame of a photographic portrait
Digital image courtesy Peni Powell
Profile of a Lady
Delicately detailed pyrography on circular wood plaque
Digital image courtesy Peni Powell
Although not a pyrographic artist, collector of antique poker art Peni Powell is a well known decorative artist and teacher, who has co-authored four publications featuring her art work and techniques for painting on wood. Peni is also an avid gardener.
For more information about Peni Powell's Flemish Art collection, her own art publications, and her beautiful flower garden, visit her website: Palette of Colors or e-mail Peni directly.
Read an illustrated article entitled
Peni and Lee Powell: Displaying Their Collection of Flemish Art to learn how Peni and her husband have integrated their substantial collection into their home décor.
See examples of pyrographic accessories and books from the Powell collection included in the E-Museum's Antique Pyrography Tools Exhibit.
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© 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009
Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez, all rights reserved. Last updated 31 October 2009.
