E-Museum of Pyrographic Art
Antique Art Hall
to the 1899 Salon of Norman W. Kingsley
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Portrait of Rembrandt as a Young Man
By Norman W. Kingsley, June 1899
Pyrography on wood panel, 15 in. wide by 18 in. tall (37.8 cm. by 45.5 cm.)
After the 1634 painting (oil on oak) by Rembrandt van Rijn (1606–1669) "Self-Portrait As a Young Man"
aka "Self Portrait With a Velvet Beret and a Fur Collar"
Digital image by Sharon H. Garvey, © 2006
Portrait of Rembrandt as a Young Man, verso, showing the signature (initials) and date in the lower right
By Norman W. Kingsley, June 1899
Pyrography on wood panel, 15 in. wide by 18 in. tall
After the 1634 painting of Rembrandt's "Self-Portrait As a Young Man"
Digital image by Sharon H. Garvey, © 2006
Portrait of Rembrandt as a Young Man, detail of the signature (initials) and date
By Norman W. Kingsley, June 1899
Pyrography on wood panel, 15 in. wide by 18 in. tall
After the 1634 painting of Rembrandt's "Self-Portrait As a Young Man"
Digital image by Sharon H. Garvey, © 2006
Portrait of Rembrandt as a Young Man, partial view, close up
By Norman W. Kingsley, June 1899
Pyrography on wood panel, 15 in. wide by 18 in. tall
After the painting of Rembrandt's Self-Portrait As a Young Man
Digital image by Sharon H. Garvey, © 2006
American art collector Dr. Sheldon Peck in Massachusetts acquired in 2010 the exquisite portrait of Rembrandt (above) by Dr. Norman W. Kingsley (1829–1913).
Visit the 1909 Norman W. Kingsley Salon here in the E-Museum for the story of this artist's fascinating life and myriad accomplishments. The pyrographic part begins on page 555. Note that the work here, after the painting of Rembrandt's known as "Self-Portrait as a Young Man," is shown in that antique article in the lower left corner of page 557.
As more works by Kingsley are appearing, we are learning still more about this talented personage. Besides this work and the 1901 Norman W. Kingsley portrait, also owned by Sheldon Peck, there are now four additional works by Kingsley on exhibit here in the E-Museum.
If you have either any questions or any information regarding the artist or his turn-of-the-century pyrographic portraits, please e-mail Sheldon Peck and the E-Museum Curator.
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© 2006, 2009, 2015 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez, all rights reserved. Updated 6 November 2009. Last updated 17–18 October 2015.
