E-Museum of Pyrographic Art
Hall of Decorative and Applied Art
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Manolo Caminos Salon
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Map of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
by Manolo Caminos, Brazil
Pyrography on leather, 122 cm x 139 cm
The Artist Posing With His Map of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Manolo Caminos, Brazil
Pyrography on leather, 122 cm x 139 cm
Born in Cordoba, Argentina and graduated from the La Plata University College of Fine Arts in that country, artist Manolo Caminos now resides in Brazil, in the seaside resort of Buzios.
To learn more about the magnificent decorative pyroengraved leather Map of the Kingdom of Saudia Arabia, shown here, click on this link, which will take you directly to the same map. Once at Manolo's web site, to learn the story behind the making of this particular map, click on Curriculum; to see Manolo in his studio there and his view of beautiful Buzios from it, click on Manolo Caminos; to see this same map divided into segments that you can click on individually to see much greater detail, click on Views; to see more examples of his remarkable pyroengraved art work, click on Gallery.
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© 1999, 2007, 2009, 2010 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez. Updated 5 February 2010.Last updated 20 November 2012.
