E-Museum of Pyrographic Art
Antique Pyrography Tools Exhibit
to the Salon of Lawrence Willmore Pennington aka "Lon Penn"
Two Burnt Wood Panels
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October Potato Harvest
By Lawrence Willmore Pennington
Pyrography on wood panel, about 22 inches by 40 inches after a photograph
October Potato Harvest, Detail
Detail of the signature, verso
By Lawrence Willmore Pennington
October Potato Harvest, Detail
By Lawrence Willmore Pennington
Pyrography on wood panel, about 22 inches by 40 inches after a photograph
October Potato Harvest
By Lawrence Willmore Pennington
Pyrography on wood panel, about 22 inches by 40 inches after a photograph
Psyche and Cupid
By Lawrence Willmore Pennington, circa 1896
Pyrography on wood panel, about 22 inches by 40 inches
after a painting by William Bouguereau
Psyche and Cupid, detail
By Lawrence Willmore Pennington, circa 1896
Pyrography on wood panel, about 22 inches by 40 inches
after a painting by William Bouguereau
Psyche and Cupid, detail,
By Lawrence Willmore Pennington, circa 1896
Pyrography on wood panel, about 22 inches by 40 inches
after a painting by William Bouguereau
Pam Gleason Elmstrom and her daughter Shauna each inherited one of the pyrography panels displayed here by English born 19th Century artist Lawrence Willmore Pennington of Massachusetts. The second work, Psyche and Cupid, was shown at the Bay State Fair of 1896.
The provenance of the two panels, which came down to them through the families is recounted by Pam, as follows:
"My Uncle Bob Barho was married to Ada Pennington—widow of Lawrence Willmore Pennington—and when she passed, he inherited two of the poker etchings and jewelry from her and L.W. Pennington. Later he married my mother's sister Viola Fairbanks, who, in turn, then inherited them, and then my mom and now [one] to me [and one to my daughter Shauna]."
If you have either any questions to ask or any information to offer regarding Lawrence Willmore Pennington's burnt wood works, please e-mail the E-Museum Curator.
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©2010 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez, all rights reserved. 4 December 2010. Last updated 16 July 2011
