E-Museum of Pyrographic Art
Decorative Art Hall
to the Linda Hatfield Salon
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"Rock Along with Me...."
"The Best is Yet to Be" by Linda Hatfield
Wood rocking chair Decorated with pyroengraving and color
by Linda Hatfield
Wood tissue box and clothes hooks Decorated with pyroengraving and color
Once she tried out an old woodburning tool, American pyrographer Linda Hatfield of Omaha, Nebraska, USA, decided to leave a successful career in graphic design to launch her own business doing pyrography. Linda's work, which consists of comic-like decorative images and funny sayings, phrases, or words done in pyroengraving and bright acrylic colors, is presently selling in four American states.
Learn more about Linda and see another example of her delightful work in Pyrograffiti, linked here.
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© 2000, 2007, 2009, 2010 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez,
all rights reserved. Last updated 7 February 2010.
