to the J. William Fosdick Salon
of the February 14, 1892 Article
The Fire Etcher's Work: Beautiful Bits of Art That Are Burned in Wood
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The New York Times 1892 article The Fire Etcher's Work: Beautiful Bits of Art That Are Burned in Wood displayed above was the first one found that verified that J. William Fosdick's first commission was for the New York, Madison Avenue house of Edward Dean Adams in 1884.
The New York Times article was not illustrated. Because the panel of "A Fury" was the one used to describe Fosdick's technique, that image was borrowed from the 1892 Franklin Smith article Etching With Fire that is likewise exhibited here in the E-Museum.
If you have either any questions to ask or any information to offer regarding these works by J. William Fosdick, or any of his works, please e-mail the E-Museum Curator.
You are leaving the J. William Fosdick Salon
of the 1892 N.Y. Times Article
The Fire Etcher's Work: Beautiful Bits of Art That Are Burned in Wood
You can return to the
Antique Art Hall
(including many additional exhibits of J. Wm. Fosdick's Works)
or continue on your tour to one of the following
Pyrographic Art Exhibit Halls:
Your questions and comments are welcome and appreciated.
Please e-mail the E-Museum Curator.
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©2008, 2009 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez, all rights reserved.
Last updated 22 October 2009.