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J. William Fosdick's June 1909 article
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by J. William Fosdick, June 1909, Vol. I, No. 9
Adapted from Palette and Bench Magazine, Syracuse, N.Y., 1908–1909, Vol. I, Nos. 3–12, pp. 208–209.
The exhibit here is the conclusion of a two-part article on pyrography by J. William Fosdick. It is of interest primarily because it explains in detail how to set up for a large project and how to do sanding and finishing, including the products Fosdick employed for that purpose.
It was disappointing because it did not introduce any works by Fosdick not heretofore seen in articles previously discovered.
In the first part of this article in the May 1909 issue of Palette and Bench, his work "The Welcome" was introduced and described as "one in a series." Needless to say, another work or works in that series would have been most welcome here.
Editor's note: J. W. Fosdick's quote in the second column of p. 208 here, which was said to be from an earlier article seems to have an error in the date referenced. Fosdick quotes here from his own article in the Century magazine as August 1906; however, those words are found in his well known Century magazine article from August 1896.
If you have either any questions to ask or any additional information to offer on this article and any works by J. William Fosdick, please e-mail the E-Museum Curator.
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© 2010 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez, all rights reserved.
24 February 2010.
