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the 1899 article
Featuring a portrait photograph of J. William Fosdick and illustrations of three of his panels
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by Gustav Kobbé, 1899
Featuring a portrait photograph of J. William Fosdick and illustrations of three panels by him
Adapted from TRUTH Magazine, November 1899, Vol. XVIII, No. 11, pp. 298–299.
The same year THE ARTIST Magazine published its article entitled An American Artist in Burnt Wood by Charles H. Caffin, TRUTH Magazine published its own article about J. William Fosdick entitled "Fire Etchings" by Gustav Kobbé. Coincidentally, as well, both articles published not only the now iconic photograph of J. William Fosdick first published in 1894, but also the same untitled profile portrait of the lady with braids. Following is the detail of that lovely fire etching:
From Untitled, Portrait of Lady with Braids
by J. William Fosdick
The E-Museum's Research Department was gratified to discover two additional panels from the Gould Library in this article, although still without titles, as is so often the case. They are part of the ones termed "queens" by Georgian Court University's archivist. Details of those two panels can be viewed at the link here. So far, no pictures of the "authors" panels described by Fosdick himself have been discovered in any articles.
If you have either any questions to ask or any additional information to offer on this article, or the panels by J. William Fosdick, please e-mail the E-Museum Curator.
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© 2010 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez, all rights reserved. 9 January 2010.
