E-Museum of Pyrographic Art
Hall of Antique Pyrographic Art
to the Salon of J. William Fosdick (1858–1937) and His 1891 Article "BURNT WOOD IN DECORATION"
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James William Fosdick
Published in the Art Interchange Magazine in December 1891
Adapted from a digital image by Sharon H. Garvey, © 2008
The Art Interchange December 1891 issue, pages 190–191
Article by J. William Fosdick (1858–1937).
Adapted from a digital image by Sharon H. Garvey, © 2006
Article courtesy of Anna North Coit
of the North Stonington Historical Society
North Stonington, Connecticut, U.S.A.
The above article entitled "BURNT WOOD IN DECORATION" by J. William Fosdick (1858–1937), was published in The Art Interchange in their December 1891 issue.
This 1891 article addresses various issues of interest, including mention of poker art done with heated irons as well as scorched by means of a blow pipe (blow torch).
Fosdick offers some history of Ball Hughes, his predecessor and inspiration, as well as Ball Hughes's beginnings as an artist in England and his first effort at poker work—a burning of a shingle reproducing one of Fuseli's "Three Witches."
Also of interest (and perhaps as a topic of discussion) are J. W. Fosdick's thoughts about decorative or architectural art and the methods and applications that are appropriate for this art form. He also mentions his own first professional commission in pyrography (in 1884) thanks to a referral through Ball Hughes's widow.
If you have any questions or any information regarding this artist, his works, his tool, or this article, please e-mail the E-Museum Curator.
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2007, 2009 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez, all rights reserved.
Last updated 22 October 2009.
