E-Museum of Pyrographic Art
Antique Art Hall
to the Salon of J. William Fosdick (1858–1937) Featuring his 1888 Panel "Evening"
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By J. William Fosdick, 1888
Pyrography on wood panel, 18-1/2 in. wide by 20-1/2 in. tall
with the circle inset area being 16 inches in diameter.
Digital image courtesy of the owner
Evening, detail of the 'logo' signature
By J. William Fosdick, 1888
On the right hand side of the panel, recto,
is a signature monogram of the letter F and
a little Salamander;
below that is PARIS, 1888.
[See commentary on Fosdick's Salamander logo in his
1890 Rose Salon and his
1909 article in Palette and Bench, fourth paragraph.]
Digital image courtesy of the owner
Antique collector Tamara Kijanowski inquired about this beautiful 1888 wood panel by J. William Fosdick. Acquired at auction several years ago, it is entitled "Evening" and is famous for having been an illustration in perhaps the best known of
the articles by Fosdick, which is the one published in 1896 in Century Magazine.
The distinctive 'logo' signature on the panel has been observed on at least one other panel by him, viz., his Lady Godiva, which also dates from 1888. And along with that work, "Evening" was shown in Paris and later elsewhere, including in St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A., where it is cited in that 1889 Catalogue as no. 5 and shown following with a close-up image from the 1896 article.
If you have any questions or any information regarding this decorative panel from 1888, or other works by J. William Fosdick, please e-mail Tamara Kijanowski and the E-Museum Curator.
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©2010 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez, all rights reserved. 29 September 2010. Last updated 4 November 2011.
