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Chai in Green
by Ilanna Mandel
Pyrography and acrylic color on wood panel
Image courtesy of the artist
Fire and Spirit
by Ilanna Mandel
Pyrography and acrylic color on wood panel
Image courtesy of the artist
Peace Between Cultures
by Ilanna Mandel
Pyrography and acrylic color on wood panel
Image courtesy of the artist
American artist Ilanna Mandel adds intense and textured color to her highly decorative pyroengraved wood panels that send her messages of peace and love to the world.
Ilanna has recently put her "peace boards" on the internet in her own site called Burning Flames Art.
Ilanna's special art projects have been highlighted in illustrated article segments in Pyrograffiti: Ilanna Mandel: Peace Offerings in the January–February 2004 issue of WOM and Ilanna Mandel: A Passion for Peace and Art in the November–December 2003 issue of WOM.
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2005, 2009, 2010 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez, all rights reserved.
Last updated 9 February 2010.