E-Museum of Pyrographic Art
Antique Art Hall
to the Salon of Heinrich Hofmann and Ph. Benedelli
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© David Plunton, owner
Christ and the Rich Young Man (aka ...Rich Young Ruler)
By Heinrich Hofmann and Ph. Benedelli, circa 1890
Pyrography on Board, 9.5 in. by 8 in.
After the 1889 painting of that title by Heinrich Hofmann
Digital image by David Plunton
© David Plunton, owner
Christ and the Rich Young Man (aka ...Rich Young Ruler),
Detail of the two main figures
By Heinrich Hofmann and Ph. Benedelli, circa 1890
Pyrography on Board, 9.5 in. by 8 in.
After the 1889 painting of that title by Heinrich Hofmann
Digital image by David Plunton
© David Plunton, owner
Christ and the Rich Young Man (aka ...Rich Young Ruler), Detail of the figures
By Heinrich Hofmann and Ph. Benedelli, circa 1890
Pyrography on Board, 9.5 in. by 8 in.
After the 1889 painting of that title by Heinrich Hofmann
Digital image by David Plunton
© David Plunton, owner
Christ and the Rich Young Man (aka ...Rich Young Ruler),
(Detail of the inscription "Hofmann." in the lower right corner)
By Heinrich Hofmann and Ph. Benedelli, circa 1890
Pyrography on Board, 9.5 in. by 8 in.
After the 1889 painting of that title by Heinrich Hofmann
© David Plunton, owner
Christ and the Rich Young Man (aka ...Rich Young Ruler)
(Detail of the signature "gebr. v. Ph. Benedelli."
in the middle at the bottom)
Curator's note: The inscription in German "gebr. v." is an abbreviation of "gebrannt von" meaning "burnt by."
By Heinrich Hofmann and Ph. Benedelli, circa 1890
Pyrography on Board, 9.5 in. by 8 in.
After the 1889 painting of that title by Heinrich Hofmann
British collector of antique pyrography David Plunton acquired this exquisitely executed pyrograph, when it came up for auction in the United States in April 2006. Although bearing two inscriptions—one at the bottom of the panel on the left hand third and the other in the lower right corner—the panel is undated.
David Plunton and U.K. conservator of pyrographic art Susan Millis are considering the possibility that this superb pyrograph may be an original work, circa 1890, by the German artist Heinrich Hofmann (1824–1911) possibly in collaboration with one of his students while he was professor of art at the Academy of Art in Dresden.
An interesting feature of the pyrograph are the hands and head of Christ and also the head and robes of the young man, which have been separately inset into the panel. Hofmann is well known for his idealized paintings of Christ. This pyrograph is after his own painting of the same name, which hangs in the historic Riverside Church in New York City. The original painting was a gift to the church from John D. Rockefeller, Jr., along with three other works, one of them also a collaboration.
The notes herein about this magnificent work in pyrography are still preliminary at this point. British artist and conservator Susan Millis is carrying out further study of this pyrograph as part of her ongoing research for her PhD.
If you have any questions or any information regarding this pyrograph of "Christ and the Rich Young Man," please e-mail David Plunton and the E-Museum Curator.
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© 2006, 2008 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez, all rights reserved. Last updated 3 November 2009.
