E-Museum of Pyrographic Art
Hall of Special Pyrographic Art

Welcome! to the
Marie Heerkens Salon
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by Marie Heerkens, 1997
Pyrograph on Large Mushroom
Scanned image by artist
Wolf Face
by Marie Heerkens, 1997
Pyrograph on Large Mushroom
Scanned image by artist
Mushroom pyrography is the unusual specialty of American wildlife artist Marie Heerkens. See more of her work and learn more about this outdoorswoman, naturalist, and multimedia artist at either of the two websites linked here, or contact Marie directly by e-mail.
You are leaving the Marie Heerkens salon.
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Special Pyrographic Art
or you may wish to continue your tour of the E-Museum with a visit to one of the following:
Pyrographic Art Exhibit Halls:
Your comments and questions are welcome and appreciated. Please e-mail the E-Museum Curator.
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© 1999, 2007, 2009 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez. Last updated 23 October 2009.
