E-Museum of Pyrographic Art
Decorative Art Hall
to the Robert "Harp" Corrigan Salon
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Bowl, Inside View
by Robert "Harp" Corrigan, 1999
Pyroengraving on turned wood bowl
Bowl, Outside View
by Robert "Harp" Corrigan, 1999
Pyroengraving on turned wood bowl
"A Gathering of Warriors"
by Robert "Harp" Corrigan, 1999
Pyroengraving on basswood panel after a pen-and-ink book illustration
American woodworker and pyrographer Robert "Harp" Corrigan produces specialty wood items in his East-Wood Products studio and workshop in New Mexico.
He is best known for his musical instruments (hence his nickname) and often decorates them with pyrography. Because of that specialty, Harp was featured in the March 1999 issue of the WWWoodc@rver E-Zine, on page two in an article on Pyrography Decorating Musical Instruments.
Harp acquired an additional specialty—a series of sports team themes in pyroengraved intarsia works. Mounted on oak panels averaging 16 in. by 20 in. and framed in walnut, the striking pyroengraved intarsia works in exotic woods are further enhanced with fretwork, chip carving, and sometimes tinted washes depending on the team's colors.
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© 1999, 2007, 2009, 2010 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez, all rights reserved.
Last updated 7 February 2010.
