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by Derric Clemmons
Pyroengraving and color on wood coffee table
Image courtesy of the artist
Untitled, detail
by Derric Clemmons
Pyroengraving and color on wood coffee table
Image courtesy of the artist
by Derric Clemmons
Pyroengraving and color on wood table
with gem inlay
Image courtesy of the artist
American contemporary artist and pyrographer Derric Clemmons from Chicago, Illinois added pyrography to his mixed media art works only in recent years. His art work is on display on the Internet Art Fair web site.
Derric Clemmon's story and art work were featured in Pyrograffiti 15 in the January–February 2002 issue of the Woodcarvers Online Magazine.
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© 2002, 2009, 2010 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez, all rights reserved.
Last updated 8 February 2010.