E-Museum of Pyrographic Art
Antique Art Hall
to the Ball Hughes Salon No. 9
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![](ball_hughes9_gen_mcclellan.jpg) |
Major General George McClellan
By Ball Hughes, Boston, Jan. 22, 1862
Poker work on framed wood panel, approx. 20 in. tall by 12 in. wide (unframed)
After a photograph
Digital image by Sharon H. Garvey
Detail of the brass plaque
Digital image by Wayne Tuiskula, Auctioneer, Central Mass Auctions Inc.
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Major General George McClellan,
By Ball Hughes, Boston, Jan. 22, 1862
detail of his initials BH. in the lower right hand corner of the pyrography
Poker work on framed wood panel, approx. 20 in. tall by 12 in. wide (unframed)
After a photograph
Digital image by Wayne Tuiskula, Auctioneer, Central Mass Auctions Inc.
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Major General George McClellan
partial view, back of the panel
By Ball Hughes, Boston, Jan. 22, 1862
Poker work sketches of little figures on the back of the wood panel
Digital image by Sharon H. Garvey
![](ball_hughes9_sketches3.jpg) |
Major General George McClellan,
partial view, back of the panel
By Ball Hughes, Boston, Jan. 22, 1862
Poker work sketch on the back of the wood panel, appears to be a person balancing a Masonic symbol on his head
Digital image by Sharon H. Garvey
![](ball_hughes9_sketches4.jpg) |
Major General George McClellan
partial view, back of the panel
By Ball Hughes, Boston, 1862
Group of poker work sketches entitled "the cut direct" on the back of the wood panel
Notice similar figures to these sketches in the open book in the lower left corner
of the Don Quixote panel by this artist, dated 1863.
Digital image by Sharon H. Garvey
![](ball_hughes9_gen_mcclellan2.jpg) |
Major General George McClellan
partial view, close-up of the subject
By Ball Hughes, Boston, Jan. 22, 1862
Poker work on framed wood panel, approx. 20 in. tall by 12 in. wide (unframed)
After a photograph
Digital image by Sharon H. Garvey
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Major General George McClellan
By Ball Hughes, Boston, Jan. 22, 1862
Pyroengraved inscription on the back of the panel
Notice also the groups of sketches on the back
Inscription on the back reads:
"This Sketch of Major General McClellan
of the U.S. Army was burnt with a Poker
from an Approved Photograph expressly for
S.D. Nickerson Esq.
Ball Hughes. Fecit.
Boston. Jan 22. 1862."
Digital image by Wayne Tuiskula, Auctioneer, Central Mass Auctions Inc.
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Major General George McClellan,
By Ball Hughes, 1862
Partial view showing the date on the pyroengraved inscription on the back of the panel
Notice also the sketches on the back
Inscription on the back reads:
"This Sketch of Major General McClellan of the U.S. Army
was burnt with a Poker from an Approved Photograph
expressly for S.D. Nickerson Esq.
Ball Hughes. Fecit.
Boston Jan. 22, 1862"
Digital image by Wayne Tuiskula, Auctioneer, Central Mass Auctions Inc.
![](ball_hughes9_gen_mcclellan3.jpg) |
Major General George McClellan,
partial view, close-up of subject's face
By Ball Hughes, Boston, Jan. 22, 1862
Poker work on framed wood panel, approx. 20 in. tall by 12 in. wide (unframed)
After a photograph
Digital image by Sharon H. Garvey
Douglas Schneible acquired the above signed and dated piece at auction in 2005 (Central Mass Auctions Inc.). It is known to be a piece by Robert Ball Hughes, the famous 19th century pyrographer, engraver and sculptor. Little is known of its provenance before it went up for auction except that it had been owned by an elderly individual at the time of its consignment.
The following reference to this work was found in the newspaper column "The Fine Arts" of the Boston Daily Evening Transcript dated November 1, 1889: The "poker pictures" made by the sculptor, Ball Hughes, occasionally turn up nowadays in the bric-à-brac shops of Boston, and generally command very good prices. In a little South End shop there is one of these curious works which is a full-length likeness of General George B. McClellan, made in 1862.
The S. D. Nickerson Esq. from Ball Hughes' inscription on the back of the panel refers to Sereno Dwight Nickerson (1823–1909) of Boston, a graduate of the Harvard Law School, a member of the Bunker Hill Monument Committee, and a prominent Freemason.
The Gen. McClellan pyrography was featured in Pyrograffiti 36 published in the November–December 2005 issue of the WOM.
A visit to Douglas Schneible's unique collection of antique pyrography primarily for the purpose of studying his Ball Hughes panels by U.K. conservator Susan Millis is highlighted in Pyrograffiti 38 published in the July–August 2006 issue of that magazine.
Douglas Schneible has an extensive website The Arts & Crafts Gallery featuring his fine collection of antique pyrographic works and history along with his ethnographic art and artifacts.
If you have either any questions or any additional information to offer about Ball Hughes, please e-mail Douglas Schneible and the E-Museum Curator.
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© 2006, 2009 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez, all rights reserved. Last updated 8 November 2009.