E-Museum of Pyrographic Art
Antique Art Hall
to the Ball Hughes Salon No. 10
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The Monk
By Ball Hughes, Boston, 1866
Poker work on framed wood panel, approx. __ in. by __ in.
After a photograph
Digital image by Jody Schiffenhaus
The Monk, close-up partial view
By Ball Hughes, Boston, 1866
Poker work on framed wood panel, approx. __ in. by __ in.
After a photograph
Digital image by Jody Schiffenhaus
The Monk
Pyroengraved inscription on the back of the panel
By Ball Hughes, 1866
Poker work on framed wood panel, approx. __ in. by __ in.
Inscription on the back reads:
"This picture of the Monk, was burnt with a red hot Poker. from a Photograph.
expressly to the order of Miss Phelps.
Ball Hughes. Fecit
Boston Mass
Digital image by Jody Schiffenhaus
Jody Schiffenhaus discovered the above signed and dated piece at a yard sale. It is known to be a piece by Robert Ball Hughes, the famous 19th century engraver and sculptor. Its provenance is unknown other than it was originally done for a Miss Phelps.
This Ball Hughes pyroengraving of The Monk is highlighted in "Pyrograffiti 38", published on line in the July–August 2006 issue of the Woodcarvers Online Magazine.
If you have either any questions or any information regarding this work or another by Ball Hughes, please e-mail Jody Schiffenhaus and the E-Museum Curator.
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© 2006, 2009 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez, all rights reserved. Last updated 8 November 2009.
