E-Museum of Pyrographic Art

Portraits and Paintings Hall


to the
Sophia Albu Ionita
Salon No. 1

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Autumn, 1997
by Sophia Albu Ionita

Pyroengraving with color on wood panel
("Pyrogravure Colorée sur un tableau à bois")
Pyroengraved inscriptions in poetry
by French poet Eric Boudet

Mesanges before coloring
by Sophia Albu Ionita, 1997

Pyroengraving on wood panel
("Pyrogravure sur un tableau à bois")
Pyroengraved inscriptions in poetry
by French poet Eric Boudet

Autumn, 1997
by Sophia Albu Ionita

Pyroengraving with color on wood panel
("Pyrogravure Colorée sur un tableau à bois")
Pyroengraved inscriptions in poetry
by French poet Eric Boudet

The Last Hour
Autumn, 1997
by Sophia Albu Ionita

Pyroengraving with color on wood panel
("Pyrogravure Colorée sur un tableau à bois")
Pyroengraved inscriptions in poetry
by French poet Eric Boudet

L'Annonce Faite à Marie (The Annunciation)
by Sophia Albu Ionita

Pyroengraving with color on wood panel
("Pyrogravure colorée sur un tableau à bois")

L'Annonce Faite à Marie (The Annunciation)
by Sophia Albu Ionita

Pyroengraving with color on wood door
("Pyrogravure colorée sur une porte à bois")

Jesus Christ Superstar
by Sophia Albu Ionita

Pyroengraving with color on wood panel
("Pyrogravure colorée sur un tableau à bois")

Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring
by Sophia Albu Ionita

Pyroengraving with color on harpsichord lid mural
("Pyrogravure colorée")

Originally from Romania, Sophia Albu Ionita completed her university undergraduate degree and began her career there as an actress. She later lived in Paris, France, where she took up visual arts and specialized in both tapestries and pyrogravure on wood to which she added color. When she came to live in the United States of America, she pursued a Master's degree in French and then taught French and Drama to high school students in New Jersey. She simultaneously continued her work in pyrogravure colorée in the United States and participated in various exhibitions there and in Canada.

Two additional salons have been dedicated posthumously to showing additional works by her, including some of her more recent works. Sophia died 28 November 2004. Click here to see the Sophia Albu Ionita Salon No. 2 and her Salon No. 3 in the E-Museum.

Introducing the artist, her philosophical views on her art, and her flamboyant pyroengraving with color on large wood panels and wood doors, is a fully illustrated article entitled Pyrogravure Colorée by Sophia Albu Ionita (published in the November-December 1997 issue of the Woodcarvers Online Magazine (WOM), linked here)

Displaying more of her works from the seven years following her introduction is a second illustrated article entitled Sophia Albu Ionita: In Memoriam (published in a posthumous homage to the artist in the January–February 2005 issue of the WOM, linked here).

On exhibit in New York City from September 2007 to June 2008 at the Montserrat Contemporary Art Gallery are four works by Sophia, which can be seen at this link.

As of October 2007, a slide show of Sophia Albu Ionita's works is now available, as well, at the following My Art Space link. This site also offers a zoom feature for viewing individual works in greater detail.

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© 1998, 2001, 2005, 2007, 2009 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez, all rights reserved.
Last updated 9 November 2009.