E-Museum of Pyrographic Art

Antique Art Hall


to the
A. Kohlbagen

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Untitled (Flirtation)
By A. Kohlbagen, Providence, R. I., 1886

Poker work and stain on large wood panel and frame
58 in. high by 46 in. wide

Digital image by Sharon H. Garvey

Untitled (Flirtation)
Detail of the inscription, upper left,
rotated 90 degrees right (to facilitate viewing)
By A. Kohlbagen, Providence, R. I., 1886

Poker work and stain on large wood panel and frame
58 in. high by 46 in. wide

Digital image by Sharon H. Garvey

Untitled (Flirtation)
Partial, close-up view of subjects
By A. Kohlbagen, Providence, R. I., 1886

Poker work and stain on large wood panel and frame
58 in. high by 46 in. wide

Digital image by Sharon H. Garvey

Untitled (Flirtation)
Detail showing the signature in lower left corner
By A. Kohlbagen, Providence, R. I., 1886

Signature in lower left:
A. Kohlbagen
Provid. R.I.

Poker work and stain on large wood panel and frame
58 in. high by 46 in. wide

Digital image by Sharon H. Garvey

Untitled (Flirtation)
Detail showing the subjects' hands--focal shot of the story
By A. Kohlbagen, Providence, R. I., 1886

Poker work and stain on large wood panel and frame
58 in. high by 46 in. wide

Digital image by Sharon H. Garvey

Untitled (Flirtation)
Detail, lower right corner
By A. Kohlbagen, Providence, R. I., 1886

Poker work and stain on large wood panel and frame
58 in. high by 46 in. wide

Digital image by Sharon H. Garvey

Untitled (Flirtation)
Close-up view of the upper half and middle
By A. Kohlbagen, Providence, R. I., 1886

The German calligraphy in the banner decoration at the top of the panel:
Bueblein die nicht kratzen
Jungfrauen die nicht lachen
Voeglein die nicht singen
wer hat Lust zu diesen Dingen?

English translation:
Boys that do not scratch [their beards]
Young ladies that do not laugh
Little birds that do not sing
who enjoys such things?
Poker work and stain on large wood panel and frame
58 in. high by 46 in. wide

Digital image by Sharon H. Garvey

German translation to English thanks to Hertha Stuetzle Smith

Ethnographic art dealer and antique pyrography collector Douglas Schneible in Charlotte, Vermont knows little about the provenance of this large, impressive wood panel with frame he owns, which is inscribed on the front in German in a decorative banner across the top, and likewise on the front signed by A. Kohlbagen and dated 1886 in Providence, Rhode Island, (U.S.A.) in the lower left corner. The design of the decorative frame is beautifully integrated with the background design of the panel; both components of this handsome piece are done in pyrography and color.

Douglas Schneible has an extensive website The Arts & Crafts Gallery featuring his fine collection of antique pyrographic works and history along with his ethnographic art and artifacts.

If you have any questions or any information regarding this A. Kohlbagen work or others by this artist, please e-mail Douglas Schneible and the E-Museum Curator.

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A. Kohlbagen Salon

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Your questions and comments are welcome and appreciated.
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© 2006, 2008 Kathleen M. Garvey Menéndez, all rights reserved.
Last updated 4 November 2009.